Friday, June 01, 2007

well we sort of fixed it...

2 bits of code - they need to match.

There's a bug so one piece of code is fixed by a certain team of muppets who conveniently work out of smacking distance on the other side of the world.

Then they test it and find that the 2 bits of code no longer match.

So then they take out the fix for the bug so we are now back where we started from.

and yes I did point out the lack of logic in this but, again, no-one was listening.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I realise that being in the middle of this situation may bring you to the point where you feel the urge to beat some one heartily. Stepping back from it, its almost slap-stick. Projecting forward to a wash-up meeting, one can almost see the scenario unfolding like this:

{Confused looking Muppet}
But we did everything you told us to.
i) Make two functionaly identical bits of code..... CHECK!
ii) Fix any bugs that are found..... CHECK!
iii) Ensure that both pieces of code are still functionally the same doing any work required after bug fixing.......CHECK!

{Muppet grins sheepishly}

{You} Thump, thump, thump....


I think we should get mike to create an office stylee play out of your blog Daisy!

8:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Additionally, a little bit of evidence to back up my rather depressing theory that it is the same everywhere:-

8:55 AM  

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