Tuesday, January 16, 2007

another stupid idea

Stop me if you've heard this one before.

"lets ignore, entirely, how the software is designed to work and lets do everything manually from now on"

in the above sentiment for "lets do" please substitute "you will do" with a side order of "whilst I sit on my arse doing bugger all because I am a management monkey".

This is what is known as a bloody-stupid-idea. It slows everything down, the customers will hate it and, crucially, it wont actually work.

But no, we have to 'discuss' this idea. I don't see why. Some muppet who can barely power-up his PC is making decisions about how I should do my job without the slightest clue about what is actually involved.

I have mentioned the futility of going down this route and suggested that the product manager may want to be involved before we start making random, arbitrary decisions on what is and isn't possible with the product, but guess what! No one knows who the product manager is!



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