Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Yesterday we found out that in about 3 months, after all the government regulation wotnots are sorted out, we will be part of the big HAL family.

So now speculation is about which office we will move to. This is mainly "we wont move offices, they'll keep us" to which the reply is why would they want to keep a two-bit office like this open when they already have an office in the next city, about 15 miles away. No, no, no, we are being 'incorporated'. There is no room for people who want to stay as they are. We will become part of the big corporate machine. No-one will every know our individual names. A tiny drop in the ocean to the corporate behemoth that is HAL.

Still, that's ok. There'll be investment in people and infrastructure. New laptops. new corporate mugs. product strategy. planning. all the sorts of things you expect in a successful company. It will make a nice change.

AND they are getting rid of some of the management monkeys - I know this because we were specifically told that their jobs are safe. How many times have you heard that before? "the minister in question has the PM's full support" or "the manager had the full support of the board". Politics/football/software it's all the same. The statement of support is usually the kiss of death.

Hang on though, they also said that we the people were their greatest asset. Maybe they wont move us anywhere, maybe they'll just show us the door.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know the new manglement will be as bad as the old ones, but im cynical, tired and have manflu (and making other people ill)

11:59 AM  
Blogger Daisy Twoshoes said...

I know, but it will be a different sort of rubbish, at least for a while.

All companies are the same but we need something to alleviate the screaming bordom and futility that is what we have now.

First it will be different.
Then it will be same shit different day.

12:06 PM  

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