Tuesday, November 07, 2006


I'm working on an "urgent" and "high profile" project - yawn, yes another one. This one is turning out exactly like all the rest. Struggle along without the correct information for long enough and suddenly it's not urgent or life threatening after all.

This time it was deemed so urgent that some Manager decided to help me out by doing part of the work. I knew it wouldn't work, but would he listen?
So the situation is now that this Manager is reviewing my work and doing his bit and oh, hang on. He's now on holiday for 3 weeks.

That kind of urgent, then. You bugger off for 3 weeks and I'll stay here fielding irrate phone calls from clueless managers as to why the project has slipped and why I've given up and started on a different project.

I hate that. If you want something doing properly.....

In other news, we are apparently only a week or two away from HAL buying the company. I wish they'd hurry up. There's a risk of redundancy but as I don't have the willpower to get off my arse and get a proper job, that might not be a bad thing. I hope they cull the management. I've started offering prayers to the gods "please get rid of at least some of the management monkeys". Of course it could all be another red herring. That's quite a depressing thought.


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