Friday, September 22, 2006


I'm not sure how this happened as I was completely sober at the time but I have somehow managed to provisionally sign up to being in a corporate team for running the Bath half marathon again next year. I guess now I've done it once (last year) I have a Personal Best to beat...Ok so my PB is 2hrs57 but that's not bad for an asthmatic who only started running 6 months before.

However, despite my grand words at the time, I have singularly failed to keep up the running. So now I need to start training again, which is fine because once I get started I'll really enjoy it. It's just quite difficult to actually get off my arse and make a start.

2 of my friends have made a pledge to avoid alcohol for the next 6 months and I'm thinking this might be a good idea, would go well with the training. Maybe I'll try too. Of course I can hear you say, I'll give her 3 weeks before she twists a knee, hurts her back and succumbs to a G&T, and maybe you're right. Then again, what do you know, maybe it will go really well.

In other news, the builders who are digging holes in my garden (in lieu of any actually 'proper' building) have uncovered a fireplace behind some plaster in the utility room. When I say fireplace I don't mean one of those Time Team type post holes where they dig a hole and then speculate wildly and try to convince the viewer that actually there was once a lump of wood there honest. No, this is a real fireplace, made of stone and about shoulder height. In my utility/cloakroom. A huge gothic stone fireplace in my downstairs loo. How mad is that!


Blogger Mike said...

5 days and two sober pub trips all is going well

11:34 AM  
Blogger Mike said...

5 days, two sober pub trips in all is well

11:35 AM  

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