Thursday, September 14, 2006

The benefits of working for managers who can't be arsed

I had my performance review at work yesterday. My boss used to work for the company that took us over (sorry, sorry, "merged" with us) a while back and as such is an expert in his product but not in the 2 products that I deal with.

This is generally a good thing.

A) I get to say things like "it'll take me 6 weeks to do that" and I am believed (I'm always honest, it will take me 6 weeks, what with my OU assignment that I have to do as well)

B) I get to be the font of all knowledge about things and my boss constantly refers to me for answers

Sometimes it's a bad thing

A) nobody really cares if it takes me 6 weeks to do anything

B) I get to be the font of all knowledge about things and my boss constantly refers to me for answers - i.e. I get all the crappy "Can you just deal with this difficult question please?" kind of emails

But best of all yesterday I was offered the carrot of becoming "Technical team lead" for stuff that my boss has no interest in knowing about. He was quite honest about it, he couldn't really care less and needs me to deal with it leaving him to do stuff that he likes to do. So i guess it's a kind of promotion. of sorts. ish.

There's no extra money in it, obviously. Just the faint promise that in 6 months I might get bumped up a grade if I prove myself.

In the meantime I get to....actually get things done!

All those times I've thought "oh for christ's sake give it here, I'll do it".....just goes to show you should always be careful what you wish for.

I'm off for a beer.


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