Friday, October 13, 2006

Busy Bee

my 'to do' list this week comprised:

Monday: Sit Postgrad OU exam. (actually enjoyed this, guess that makes me a bit sad)
Tuesday: standard work/saving other people's careers stuff.
Wednesday AM: minor operation to remove weired lump from back/shoulder
Wednesday PM: drive in torrential rain to Heathrow and fly to Lisbon
Thursday: 2 meetings with customers, all very nice. Fly back to Heathrow.
Friday (just): arrive home. Remove carefully kept dry dressing, inspect impressive 2 inch wound on back and fancy stitches - never had stitches before. They hurt. A lot. Spend rest of day with general work shit.

my 'to do' list this weekend comprises:
absolutely nadda. ziltch. nothing.

which is just fine with me. vague thoughts about going to Westonbirt to see the trees, lift my soul, but nothing else.

Apparently keeping busy can help to stave off depression. I now realise that it does this by killing you through exhaustion first. Which is kinda cheating if you ask me.


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