Tuesday, April 17, 2007


All procedures were followed and yet something went wrong - the customer noticed 3 problems with the software. They, quite correctly in my opinion, pointed out that we should have spotted these three errors if we'd tested the damn thing properly.

So we have a "root cause analysis" meeting....aka a witchhunt.

Muppet: "why was this not spotted Daisy?"

I don't know why they ask me these things, I only design the software. Once I hand it over to development I never see it again.

Me: "It probably wasn't tested properly"

incompetant1: "well you didn't tell us to test it"

Upon my life, that's what they said. I asked them to write some code but I did not explicitly state that they should test what they wrote.

Now I used to write software for a living and practically the first thing you learn is to test what you write. But it seems that things have changed, the new modern way is to get me to specify exactly in a step-by-step manner how everyone else should do their jobs.

I've yet to see how this benefits anyone (except perhaps my therapist), but it does mean that other people can avoid taking responsibility for their own work.

Hours we've spent in this meeting pointing the finger at everyone except who is really to blame - the muppets who wrote, but did not test, the code.

It's the customer I feel sorry for. They expect us to be professional but the only thing we're proficient in is crushing my will to live.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Testing you say? Sounds reasonable I guess... Its not very fashionable these days though what with "first to market" pressure and all that. Unfortunately testing time doesn't seem to appear in the project plan anymore. It must have been sucked up by the same black hole that swallowed weekends, holidays, contingency and lunch breaks.....
Ever had one of these conversations?

(project manager) How long will it take?
(engineer) two weeks.
(project manager) Is that with contingency and testing?
(engineer) Of course.
(project manager) Great! So you could actually have it done in 3 days then..... I'll put that in MS project!
(project manager) Umm.........

I know, call me a grumpy old engineer! ;o)

11:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont know this word "testing" is it something that involves pubs and falling over?

and beta is the new release or something

/me goes off to mutter something about needing clarification on the "sweeping hand gesture" that seems to be the design document he has on his desk

12:17 PM  

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