Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Snotty emails

If you're going to send me a snotty email claiming that the reason you are rubbish at your job is because I failed to tell you something when in fact I did tell you, you should not really 'CC' your boss.

This is because I will take offence and I will reply to all stating exactly what happened and you will look like a tosser at the end of it.

And then you will feel obliged to ring me and try to explain yourself and I'll have to make sympathetic noises and pretend to give a damn about your or your career.

So in future, think before you try and blame me for your ineptitude. Everyone knows you're rubbish, it's too late to try and change their minds now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooh, that sort of thing is annoying! (and I'm using nice words rather than the ones in my head). The only thing that gets my goat more is when said email is BCCed to various bosses and then one of the bosses lets slip in a meeting. I've had that more than once and it has nearly resulted in a conference room masacre!! It tends to reduce any hope of being civil and descent with co-workers. Hang 'em all just incase I say!! Oops, did I say that out loud? ;o)

9:00 AM  

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