Friday, July 13, 2007

does anyone else get emails like these?

First I sit through an hour and a quarter of excruciating meeting listening to the famous "I'm not technical" manager fail time and again to grasp the easiest of concepts.

Then randomMuppet1 sends everyone an email asking for clarification as to what they need to do:

"perform tasks A, B and C"

Then they ask "so I need to perform tasks A, B and C right?"
I kid you not - why would anyone need to clarify the words "perform tasks A, B and C" with exactly the same wording?

So the response is "yes, as previously stated, peform tasks A, B and C"

and the reply from them is "can I please have confirmation from Daisy that this is ok?"

Christ on a bike, can't anyone do anything without my say-so? I'm only an engineer, it's not like I'm important management or anything.

"yes, go ahead and perform tasks A, B and C"

Then, after a short while, I receive an email "but if I over complicate matters by performing tasks x, y and z as well then this will totally bollox things up for everyone and yet I cannot see how not to do this?"

Just do tasks A, B and C. Do not pass go. Do not collect £200. Do not deviate from the original plan. If you cannot manage this then you should go straight home instead and look for a new job.

I feel a bit sorry for these muppets, after all they have to deal with me sending them a preverbial slap round the ear via email everytime they try and do their jobs. If only we bothered to train people before letting them loose with the code.

Oh well, 'tis the weekend and there is a newly refurbished pub near my house with fantastic views and a nice beer garden.....if the rain holds off.


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