Friday, October 12, 2007

De-mob happy

Today is my last day at work for some time and I am very happy about this. My baby is due in 4 weeks and I plan to do nothing except relax before then, maybe with a day a the spa, a spot of online shopping, sitting on the sofa with the cat watching black and white movies.....bliss.

What I will not be doing is worrying about which muppet has promised which impossible dream to which HAL supremo. I will not care that no-one has the slightest clue what is going on with any of the projects. I will not care about the witch-hunts and the finger-pointing. I will not miss sitting through endless conference calls and meetings and people's "slide packs" (who are these people with time to put together powerpoint presentations on the most trivial of things?). I will not miss filling in endless pointless spreadsheets that nobody reads.

I will be serene in the knowledge that management are wankers now and they will still be wankers when I get back. There's an outside chance things will go to the dogs whilst I'm away but the smart money is on nothing actually changing.

but most importantly, there will be more time for cake :-)


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