Wednesday, January 31, 2007

A bright spark

We have a manager here who is supposed to be quite good. I had higher hopes than normal (although admittedly that's not too difficult) that he may actually kick some people back into reality (or failing that, kick them out of the company). But all my hopes have been dashed. He has recently sent an email out extolling the virtues of the rubbish office across the sea and far away (the one staffed with goodwill-sapping-morons). He is impressed because as he left the office at 8.30 PM a lot of people were still there!

2 things here:

a) obviously they were still in the office at 8.30PM if he was there. First rule of impressing someone with the power to make you redundant is never leave the office before they do.

b) these people are actually incapable of doing their job within normal working hours and therefore have to work late due to their gross incompetance.

3 years ago the task that these people do took 4 weeks. Now, at their request we have lots of checks and tools and wizzy scripts and suchlike to reduce the time it takes to do this task. It now takes 10 weeks.

I kid you not. TEN WEEKS!

Stop laughing, you wouldn't like it if it was your company.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

another stupid idea

Stop me if you've heard this one before.

"lets ignore, entirely, how the software is designed to work and lets do everything manually from now on"

in the above sentiment for "lets do" please substitute "you will do" with a side order of "whilst I sit on my arse doing bugger all because I am a management monkey".

This is what is known as a bloody-stupid-idea. It slows everything down, the customers will hate it and, crucially, it wont actually work.

But no, we have to 'discuss' this idea. I don't see why. Some muppet who can barely power-up his PC is making decisions about how I should do my job without the slightest clue about what is actually involved.

I have mentioned the futility of going down this route and suggested that the product manager may want to be involved before we start making random, arbitrary decisions on what is and isn't possible with the product, but guess what! No one knows who the product manager is!


Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year

New years resolution: be nicer to people at work. They may just have been in the wrong queue for common sense and initiative and I must be more considerate.

Today I have been extra nice to people at work. I think they are getting a bit suspicious but generally it all seams to be going ok so far. Then again the 'far-away' office have a bank holiday today and that's where most of the good-will-sapping halfwits work - sorry, sorry, they are nice people and are simply lacking training.

I have a feeling this resolutions isn't going to go well.