Friday, July 28, 2006


it's quarter to 4 on a friday, technically I should be at work for another 2 hours but because I've already done my timesheet I kinda feel like I should stop working.

I wonder if I could get away with reading my book at my desk? I see other people surfing for holidays, checking out their footie teams discussion whatsits, reading the news. But I did all that whilst I was 'working through lunch'.

There are 9 people (including myself) currently in the office and I doubt a single one of us is doing any work at all. I sense I should feel some guilt about this but dur-management-monkeys have driven out any sense of loyalty or commitment that any of us ever had.

oh well.

Friday, July 21, 2006


"what we need is a value proposition"

a what? what's that supposed to mean?

"it shows why a customer would want to buy our product"

doesn't the marketing department have that sort of thing? After all, we've been convincing customers to part with their money for donkeys years, surely someone wrote something down.

"it needs to be high level"
so I do a high level document

"but what you did doesn't contain all the individual detail"
that's because you asked for high level. if you wanted detailed you should have asked for detailed. muppets.

so we to and fro and I do stuff and it gets rubbished and I have to do it again and it occurs to me that the sales person involved is probably going to loose this sale and needs someone to blame. no-wonder no-one likes him. tosser.

thank god it's the weekend.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The perils of internet dating

recently disclosed to me "ditched the russian bird, as after some investigation it turned out to be a fat bloke from texas".

nice one bro. better luck next time ;-)