Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Now, this may come as a bit of a shock...

so you might want to sit down. I've come back to work after mat leave and.......(drum-roll please).....nothing has changed!

Oh, I apologise, some people have new 'titles', and there's a bit more paperwork but that's about it.

During the interim we moved offices too and now the coffee is attrocious. This is incredibly upsetting as those of you who work in IT will know. Decent coffee oils the wheels of the IT industry. Without it some people barely function - mind you, there are those who barely function with extra strength espresso and a gun to their heads.

I have to say that I am honestly pleased to be back. Never mind the muppets, at least I don't have to entertain a small child all day (lovely tho he is).

So far I am unstressed, but I'm sure that will change. In fact today I am quite happy as I've already thrown a spanner in the works for one persons pet 'project' - he wants everyone to follow his nicely defined 'convention', he produced ppt slides and everything. Only problem is is that the core product doesn't support it. Well, if they will give me actions at meetings then I will go and find these things out. He'll have another 'project' next week which will be equally meaningful and helpful to the business I'm sure.