Thursday, August 16, 2007

I just want to do some proper work!

I've been promoted. Don't laugh, but I am now a team leader. (no extra money, mind, just a bunch of extra meetings - how is that rewarding?)

Thus my days now seem to be filled with conference calls and answering stuff on behalf of my boss. Which is all well and good (well, apart from the conference calls obviously) but it's getting me down. I spend all day saving the world but the difference is that now I'm not allowed to do proper project stuff. My boss says he doesn't want to 'overload' me but in reality it's the ordinary day-job stuff that keeps my sanity.

I'm happy to spend a few hours shouting at muppets and stating the bleeding obvious but after a while I just want to design some software - that is, after all , the reason I took this job.

I'm hoping that things will calm down soon. Manglement are in a bit of a blind panic at the moment. Since HAL took over, they are all trying to make themselves look good. Unfortunately this means coming up with half-arsed ideas that so obviously wont work it would make you weep.

I've decided to bunk off early tomorrow - see, sign of 'team leadership' that, I believe it's called planning ahead.