Monday, February 26, 2007

They're not dead, just a bit sleepy

I arrived home on Friday evening to "There are dead bees in the conservatory, you should meet them".

Obviously I was quite concerned about this but there was no need to worry. They were not dead, just a bit dozy.

We've just had a posh conservatory built on the back of our house to replace the shoddy lean-to that tried to pass itself off as a conservatory (oh yes, from Workhouse to posh conservatory in 3 generations, definitely middle class now). The old lean-to was a bit, erm, open to the elements shall we say, and we always suspected we had masonry bees living in the walls.
Now, of course, we've walled them up with plasterboard and made it nice and toasty with underfloor heating so all the bees have woken up, made their way into the conservatory and promptly fallen asleep again.
Fortunately I bought a bee house last year whilst visiting a very nice windmill (see, middle class - nah-nah-na-nah-nah) so I spent much of the weekend carrying sleepy bees outside and putting them next to the bee house. I'm not sure if any of them will live but at least they wont be dead in my house.

I met 14 bees in all, none of them dead on my watch.