Friday, December 15, 2006

I need a break

back to the doomed 'urgent' project this week. Happy-Happy, Joy-Joy. Have worked like a demon to get it in on time, not that it will make a blind bit of difference as I'm on holiday next week which means that bugger-all will get done.
I've made a very sensible recommendation to management that they plan ahead and keep the customer informed. Hardly rocket science but the monkies will ignore it. the customer will get hacked off and then....oh why do I bother?

Today has been a horrible day. Somebody decided that a project team should "just run it and see what happens" and I agree, how do you know there's a problem if you haven't tried out the software yet? but this recommendation from management wouldn't be relayed to the project team until someone had asked me to 'ok' it! Why do I need to get involved? it's not even my project. Why does it even have to be suggested as an idea? Everybody knows, first thing you do is "run it and see what happens". (although this is followed by RTFM in most cases.)

Then, someone got my name wrong and used the pathetic excuse that they were hungover. If I didn't already hate this guy I would be quite upset. Unfortunately this guy thinks I'm great - marvellous, just what I need, another office stalker.

The network is shafted, email is up the spout and the timesheet software is buggered. This means that come Jan 2nd I'll have an overflowing inbox and zero will to live.

Only the Sauvignon-blanc can save me now.

Happy soltsice everyone.