Monday, May 22, 2006

The "why's" about woodlice

I know I said I wasn't going to post on this, 'twas just a means to an end but I got a special request to post about woodlice.

Why are there so many woodlice in my house? where do they come from? how do they get upstairs and into my spare room? do they teleport there? why are there so many dead ones just lying about? what kills them? why do they die in my house?

What, in short, is the point of woodlice?

and furthermore

why do we just consider them to be small insecty type things that never hurt anyone and are just there. We ignore them, mostly, but we never consider the fact that they are lice! Now, ordinarily when you hear the word "lice" you think 'ewww' in a prison-camp-scratchy-thin-grey-blanket kind of way, but when you hear the word 'woodlice' you just think, well, nothing really as they are so insignificant.

There, I hope I have done justice to the woodlice question and that 'S' who requested this will be happy and we can all go back to ignoring them (the woodlice that is, not 'S'. that would be mean).

Monday, May 08, 2006

in the beginning....there was reluctance

OK, I promised myself I wasn't going to blog. It's for clever people, witty people, and people with too much time on their hands, i.e. not me (well, maybe the latter on dull workday afternoons). People will read it and hate it and all my insecurities will be justified and....shoot me now, it'll be kinder.

I'm only doing this so I can post inane comments on my friends blogs.

this will probably be the only message I post.

total waste of time.

just you wait and see.